
Twenty days till I get married.  I never really thought this day would come.  For most of my life I did not think I could or would get married.  I never would be good enough.   What a terrible story to tell.  But tell it I did and believe it I did, and overcame it with the help of a few friends (and $13.75 in library fines). What a beautiful, complicated, and joyous journey life is.   Marriage is not for the faint of heart.  At age 36, I go in with no blinders.  Marriage is work.  My ego has been screaming for weeks as it knows its death is imminent as a merge lives with my beloved and make a vow to do what is best for her not for myself.   What better spiritual journey could one ask for?

As special thanks to those who have helped me along the way:  To my teachers David and Marcia, who are marrying us.  To Char and Stu and the rest of my spiritual family.  To the women in my life who embody the divine feminine; Cosetta, Georgia, Auna, Kat, and Mo. Our countless conversations have helped shape me into the man I am today.   To my boys Aaron, Drew, Darth, and Mikael.   You guys have been there through thick and thin.  To all the women who have walked in my life as a lover, I apologize for any confusion, hard feelings, and general idiocy on my part.   Thank you for playing a role in my healing journey.  To Dave, Becky, Rachel, and Laura, I could not ask for a better family to join.   And last but not least to my sisters Sarah and Michelle who have been there through it all and have made it their life long job to make sure I don't turn into an egotistical asshole.

Jen.  This woman has been through thick and thin to be in this relationship.  She has loved me during the good times and the bad.  Times of money and times of scarcity and debt. She has seen my shadow and has not flinched.  She h…

Jen.  This woman has been through thick and thin to be in this relationship.  She has loved me during the good times and the bad.  Times of money and times of scarcity and debt. She has seen my shadow and has not flinched.  She has suffered through my cold feet.  We have done long distance for the last three years while she finished up medical school.  She has stood by my side through an ongoing lengthy custody battle for my daughter Penelope.  She even allows for my unique form of trichotillomania...  She has taught me about emotional fidelity, unconditional love, and how to be gently poised while exuding ferociousness.   She puts up with my bad moods and my punny jokes.  She even suffered through the Star Wars series (a condition of our marriage) just to be with me.   I truly did all I could to scare her away.  Pulled out all the stops.  Tried all my tricks... I have disclosed everything.  She is my life partner.  We knew this from our third date when I broke a geode on our hiking trip and it broke into a heart.   She has broken my stone heart open.

As our hearts and lives merge, thank you all for supporting us on our journey.  For dropping us off at airports and picking us up.  For listening and processing the latest dumb thing I did to ruin the relationship.  For laughing with …

As our hearts and lives merge, thank you all for supporting us on our journey.  For dropping us off at airports and picking us up.  For listening and processing the latest dumb thing I did to ruin the relationship.  For laughing with us, vacationing with us, eating with us, and crying with us.   And now it is time to celebrate with us!  To us!  May we live long and prosper and go forth and multiply.




Why I don't want my daughter to go to college...