Be grateful for this life, your one beautiful life in this body. Be gentle with yourself and with others. Life is too short to waste on that which is not lasting, true, and beautiful. Grieve sweetly, love fully. Hold each other.
I am grateful for my life, its trials, tribulations, elations. I thank all my exes for tough love, my sisters for tougher love. I am grateful for my teachers, for my my path. I am grateful for joy. I am grateful for pain.
I am grateful for my sweet love Jen... How did I get so lucky? I am grateful for nature and all it provides. I am grateful for emotions and how they get trapped and expressed in my body.
I am grateful for music, musicians, sirens, and audiophiles. I am grateful for Nina Simone
I am grateful for ted talks
I am grateful for gratitude.
I am grateful for you.
I am grateful for my life, its trials, tribulations, elations. I thank all my exes for tough love, my sisters for tougher love. I am grateful for my teachers, for my my path. I am grateful for joy. I am grateful for pain.
I am grateful for my sweet love Jen... How did I get so lucky? I am grateful for nature and all it provides. I am grateful for emotions and how they get trapped and expressed in my body.
I am grateful for music, musicians, sirens, and audiophiles. I am grateful for Nina Simone
I am grateful for ted talks
I am grateful for gratitude.
I am grateful for you.